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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Change up

The majority of people have money problems, and if I were to guess there are 10% of the population who earn millions. After learning what I've been learning I can understand why I'm in the situation I'm in, and why I'm changing it. 

There are a lot of people who don't know how to manage their money, and it's not their fault to a certain extent. Their parents are mostly to blame because they are the ones that were responsible for your well being. Definitely your financial well being, and they don't know that they are teaching you wrong because they learned from their parents. My Mom was a penny pincher and my Dad was a spender. I'm not saying either one is wrong, but I grew up a little screwed with my view on money. So I would save a lot and then spend it all. That hasn't worked but that's all I knew. Now, I'm making the conscious decision to get away from that type of finance managment. 

I'm learning how to break down my money so it's invested wisely, and sometimes you have to ask the right people on how to do that. I'm not talking about your broke Uncle who knows what stocks to pick, and what type of business is successful. If he knew what was up then he'd be running a successful business, and sittin' on a nice pile of dividends every year instead working for some corporation getting paid less than what he's worth.

So it's time to clean up every area of my life and excel further today than I did yesterday.  Some people want to do better but they take no action so they stay unhappy with their situations. That doesn't sound good to me.  

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