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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Been a minute

It's been a minute since I've posted something. I've been real busy with school, RCIA classes, making it happen with my music business associates, and working with my Pops. Believe me when I say that I'm not complaining about what I'm doing because this kind of busy is the absolute good kind. This is the kind of busy that leads to great rewards. Which are the only type of rewards I expect out of life. I enjoying learning whether it be academics, life, success, spirituality, and love. 

I love the fact that things are always looking up even when I'm feeling down because when you get down you can only go up. Schools getting easier which is a first. I think it's because I got all the booboo classes out the way already, and now I'm learning things that I'm actually interested in. The basics aren't bad because I did learn some useful information. How to write correctly, I learned persistence with College Algebra (I only wanted to take it for one semester and I put my all into and made it my first and last semester with College Algebra), I learned how to argue in Government, learned how to make an impact in History, and how to speak with confidence in public speaking.  Now it's basically all music with the expection of some electives like Philosophy. I used to hate school, but now I feel like greatness is right around the corner and I can make it happen. So keep a watchout for me.   

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