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Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I wish there was no religion in this world. There would be no wars between Israel and Palestine, between Christians and Muslims, or even between different Muslim sects. I understand everyone believes what they believe, but I don't understand why others want people to convert to what they believe in. I know I'm not religious because I prefer attending a non denominational church, but that doesn't mean that I'm some sort of free agent that should be recruited into a religion. 

I wish that we could just believe what we believe without any titles, rituals, or segregated beliefs. Is it so hard just to be spiritual beings? Is it so hard just to believe and have faith in God without any attachments. In my opinion, no one is right to begin with. If there was a right belief then there would be no need for Lutherans, Catholics, Baptists, Muslims, Jews, or Wiccans. Maybe our purpose in life, when it comes to religion, is to break the walls down, and come together and worship as God's people instead of separating from each other and creating unnecessary rituals. 

1 comment:

Pretty Tira said...

I feel u 100% brutha smh